Men’s Sexual Health in the DMV Area

Men’s Sexual Health Service Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center in the DMV Area

Men’s Sexual Health

in the DMV Area

At Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center, conveniently located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, we understand the impact that sexual performance issues can have on your life. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 40% of men by age 40 and 70% by age 70 experience erectile dysfunction (ED). This condition can lead to an unfulfilled sex life, depression, lack of self-esteem, and strain on relationships. It can also affect the ability to conceive.
Understanding the root cause of ED is crucial for effective treatment. Factors contributing to ED can range from heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, low testosterone, high blood pressure, certain prescription medications, tobacco use, to alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse.
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The Penis PRPF Shot Experience
At Noor Esthetique and Wellness Center, we offer a revolutionary treatment for men’s sexual health – the Penile PRPF-Shot. This treatment uses blood-derived growth factors to address erectile dysfunction with your body’s own natural growth factors. The Penile PRPF-Shot leads to stronger, longer-lasting erections and size enhancement.
The benefits of the Male PRPF Enhancement treatment include:
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Acoustic Wave Therapy
Acoustic Wave Therapy, also known as Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy (LI-SWT), is a revolutionary treatment for Erectile Dysfunction (ED). This non-invasive procedure uses low-frequency sound waves to enhance blood flow to the penis, promoting the repair of existing blood vessels and creating new ones. The therapy works by breaking up plaque formation in blood vessels and promoting the development of new blood vessels, resulting in better blood flow to the penis. This treatment is quick, painless, and requires no downtime, allowing you to carry on with your daily activities immediately. At Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center, we offer Acoustic Wave Therapy as part of our comprehensive men’s sexual health services, helping you regain confidence and enjoy a more satisfying sex life.
Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED:
Don’t let ED control your life. Book your appointment online today at Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center, and let us help you regain your sexual health and wellbeing.


Male PRPF Enhancement is a non-surgical procedure that uses the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma to increase the growth of new cells in the penis. This can lead to stronger, longer-lasting erections and, in some cases, size enhancement.
The procedure involves drawing a small amount of the patient’s blood, which is then processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma. This PRPF is then injected into specific areas of the penis, stimulating the growth of new blood vessels and nerve tissue and enhancing erectile function.
After the procedure, patients can expect improvements in erectile function over the following weeks and months. The treatment can lead to stronger, more sustainable erections, increased sensitivity, and improved sexual performance.
Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-intensity sound waves to enhance blood flow to the penis, addressing the root cause of erectile dysfunction.
The therapy involves the application of low-intensity sound waves to the penis. These waves break up plaque formation in blood vessels and encourage the growth of new blood vessels, enhancing blood flow to the penis and improving erectile function.
After undergoing Acoustic Wave Therapy, you can expect gradual improvements in erectile function over several weeks. The therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, so results are not immediate but develop over time as new blood vessels form. This enhanced blood flow leads to stronger, more sustainable erections and can improve sexual performance. It’s also important to note that this treatment has no downtime, so you can return to your regular activities immediately after each session. The effects of Acoustic Wave Therapy are long-lasting, but individual results may vary, and some men choose to have follow-up treatments to maintain optimal results.

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