Light-Based Rosacea Treatment in the DMV Area

Light-Based Rosacea Treatment Service Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center in the DMV Area

Light-Based Rosacea Treatment

in the DMV Area

Improve symptoms of rosacea with Light-Based Rosacea Treatment at Noor Esthetique And Wellness Center. Our Light-Based Rosacea Treatment options can significantly reduce rosacea redness and “flushing,” revealing a clearer, more natural-looking complexion in just a few simple, virtually pain-free sessions. Unlike topical creams, our treatments provide a more lasting solution to your rosacea concerns. Don’t let rosacea impede your confidence. Our skilled providers are here to help you achieve your best complexion yet!
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Our Light-Based Rosacea Treatment can effectively alleviate:
Our Light-Based Rosacea Treatments use targeted pulses of light to treat the blood vessels responsible for the chronic redness associated with rosacea. Once these vessels are treated, the redness and rash can disappear. Moreover, our treatment can improve skin tone by reducing the appearance of broken blood vessels and acne-like breakouts related to this common skin condition.
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Oral medication and antibiotics for rosacea treatment can take weeks to be effective and may have systemic side effects. They can also be unsafe for women who are pregnant or nursing. In contrast, our Light-Based Rosacea Treatment affects only the blood vessels without harming healthy skin, making it a viable alternative to creams and oral medications.
Experience the benefits of Light-Based Rosacea Treatment, including:

Pricing for our Light-Based Rosacea Treatment

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Full Face

Single Treatment $220 / Course of 3 $600


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Facial Areas

Single Treatment $165 / Course of 3 $420


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Full Face & Neck

Single Treatment $295 / Course of 3 $795


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Single Treatment $250 / Course of 3 $650


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Full Face, Neck & Decollate

Single Treatment $450 / Course of 3 $1100


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Full Face & Hands

Single Treatment $295 / Course of 3 $899


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Single Treatment $99 / Course of 3 $279


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Single Treatment $99 / Course of 3 $279


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Nose & Cheeks

Single Treatment $140 / Course of 3 $399



Light-Based Rosacea Treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses pulses of light to pinpoint and treat the blood vessels causing the chronic redness associated with rosacea. It’s a targeted remedy that affects only the blood vessels without harming healthy skin.
Before your treatment, avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning products for a minimum of two weeks. On the day of your treatment, cleanse your skin and remove all makeup, creams, and oils. If you have a history of cold sores, inform your provider, as a preventive medication may be prescribed.
The number of Light-Based Rosacea Treatments needed varies depending on the individual and the severity of the rosacea. However, most patients see significant improvement after 3 to 5 treatments.
During your Light-Based Rosacea Treatment, you may feel a warm sensation or a feeling similar to a rubber band snap. The procedure is generally well-tolerated, and cooling devices are often used to enhance comfort.
After your treatment, avoid sun exposure and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. You may notice some redness and swelling immediately after the treatment, but this typically subsides within a few hours.
You may see some improvement immediately after your first treatment. However, the most significant results are typically seen after several treatments. Your provider will give you an idea of what to expect based on your specific condition.

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